Fender Serial Number Lookup: Abbreviations & Acronyms

This post is for any of you who have used the Fender's serial number lookup page and would like to know what all the abbreviations and/or acronyms mean when you look up your guitar. (PS: the Fender lookup is a great resource, but it won't cover vintage instruments. For that, you can see our serial number database, which covers Fender and many other brands.) I will be adding to this list regularly. PLEASE see more info at bottom of page that explains how the Fender lookup works! Fun fact: Did you know the Fender lookup also covers EVH, Gretsch, Jackson, and Charvel instruments? 


1. Abbreviations/acronyms appear alphabetically below. We suggest using “Control+F” to search for specific entries on this page.

2. There may be more than one abbreviation for the same term. If a term is not abbreviated (i.e., “BAJA” = Baja) then it won’t appear here. Note the Fender site abbreviates terms for space. So in a long name “Deluxe” may appear as “DLX.” While in a shorter name it may be spelled out “DELUXE.”

3. Though abbreviations show some consistency, it appears Fender employees make them up as needed and don’t follow an established company list.

Fender Abbreviations

Last updated 11/28/2022.


2PT = 2-point tremolo

2TS = 2-tone sunburst

3C = 3 color

3PU = 3 pickup

3TS or 3TSB = 3-tone sunburst

AANJ = all access neck joint

ABB or AGD BRK BRST = aged Brooklyn burst (Gretsch)

ACAR = aged candy apple red

ACB = aged cherry burst

ACT or ACTV = active

AFF = Affinity Series

AGN = aged natural

AGV = blue agave

AJB = Aerodyne Jazz Bass

ALL-MAH = all mahogany

AM = American

AMB = amber

ANN or ANNY or ANV = anniversary

ARF = apple red flake

AT = arch top

ATB = antique burst

ATO = antique olive

AVRI = American Vintage Reissue

AWT = arctic white

AZG = Aztec gold

AZS = Arizona sun (finish)

BAR or BARI = baritone

BCB = black cherry burst

BCR = buttercream

BCS = black cherry sunburst

BGM or BMM = burgundy mist metallic

BGY MST = burgundy mist

BIGSBY TELE = Tele w/ Bigsby tremolo

BKD = baked (maple)

BLBST = blue burst

BLD = blonde

BLK or BK = black

BLU or BL = blue

BLZ = blizzard pearl

BPG = black pickguard

BRST = burst

BRSTL = Bristol fog (Gretsch finish)

BSB = brown sunburst

BTB = butterscotch blonde

CAB = cabronita / cabinet (amp)

CAPRI = capri orange

CAR = candy apple red

CB = center block (Gretsch)

CCOLA = candy cola (finish)

CDG = Cadillac green (Gretsch)

CHOC = chocolate

CIJ = crafted in Japan

CLSC = classic

CM = caramelized maple fingerboard

CME = Chicago Music Exchange

CML = copper metallic

CNARY DIAMND = canary diamond (finish)

COA = certificate of authenticity

COLL = collection

CONT = contemporary

COOKED ASH = caramelized ash

COP = classic copper

CRB = candy red burst

CRT = crimson transparent / crimson red transparent

CS = Custom Shop / coil split / cherry sunburst

CSTM = custom

CV = classic vibe

DC = double cutaway

DE = dealer exclusive

DE9000 = DE-9000 Black Dove Single Coil pickup

DKA = Dinky archtop (Jackson)

DKR = Dakota red

DLX = deluxe

DMND = diamond (anniversary)

DNB or DPB = daphne blue

DREAD = dreadnought

EBM = electron blue

EBY or EB or E = ebony (fingerboard)

ED = edition

ELCTRMTC or EMTC = Electromatic (Gretsch)

EOB = Ed O’Brien (Strat)

EUR = European voltage (amps)

EVH = Eddie Van Halen

FB = fixed bridge / fingerboard

FBJ = Fender Blues Junior

FDR = Fender Deluxe Reverb

FEND or FEN = Fender

FF = foto flame

FL = fretless

FLO = flame orange

FLOWER = paisley

FMIC = Fender Musical Instrument Corporation

FMSV = firemist silver

FMG = firemist gold

FMT = flame maple top

FR = Floyd Rose

FR YLW = Ferrari yellow

FRD = fiesta red

FRG = frost gold

FRGE GLOW = forge glow (Gretsch finish)

FSR = Factory Special Run / Fender Special Run

FT = flat top

G-5 VG = Roland VG Stratocaster

GC = Guitar Center (special run)

GC/MF = Guitar Center / Musician’s Friend

GC-1 = Roland GC-1 Stratocaster

GMM = gunmetal metallic (finish)

GPG = gold annodized pickguard

GRB = green burst

GRG = Georgia green (Gretsch)

GRN or GR = green

H = humbucker

HBL = honey blonde

HBST = honey burst

HH = 2 humbuckers

HHH = 3 humbuckers

HLW or HLLWBDY = hollow body

HNYDPPR = Honey Dipper (Gretsch)

HRR = hot rod red

HSC = hard shell case

HSH = humbucker/single coil/humbucker pickup configuration

HSS = humbucker, single coil, single coil pickup configuration

HT = hardtail

HUM = humbucking

HWY1 = Highway One

INS = inca silver

J5 = John 5

J BASS or J BAS or J-BASS or JZZ = Jazz Bass

J ISBELL = Jason Isbell

JA = Jim Adkins

JAG = Jaguar

JAZMSTR = Jazzmaster

JEL = Jake E. Lee signature (Charvel)

JPM = jade pearl metallic

JR = junior

JUGG = Juggernaut (Jackson)

JV = Japan vintage / Jimmie Vaughan

KE = Kelly body style (Jackson)

LAQ = lacquer

LBX = lunchbox (amp head)

LH = left handed

LPB = lake placid blue

LRL = laurel fingerboard

LTD = limited

MATCAP = matching headstock

MBL = Miami blue

MDB = midnight blue

MDW = midnight wine

MED = medium

MET = metallic

MET GR = gun metal gray

MF/GC = Musician’s Friend / Guitar Center

MHS = matching headstock

MIA = made in America

MIB = mystic ice blue

MIC = made in China

MII = made in Indonesia

MIJ = made in Japan

MIK = made in Korea

MIM = made in Mexico

MOD PLYR = Modern Player

MOP = mother of Pearl

MM = Misha Mansoor (Jackson)

MN = maple neck

MOD = modified

MPL = maple neck (or MPL FB = maple fingerboard)

MRS = metallic red sunburst

MSB or MSTC BLU = mystic blue

MSF = mystic sea foam

MTL = all metal resonator

MUST = mustang

NAT = natural

NITRO = nitrocellulose

NO BAG = no gig bag

NON-TREM = hardtail Stratocaster

OCT = ocean turquoise

OKME = okoume (African hardwood)

OLP = Olympic pearl

ORG = capri orange

OSPK or OSPKA = opal spark (finish)

OV = Ovangkol fingerboard

OWT = olympic white

P BASS = Precision Bass

PERF = performer

PF = Pau Ferro

PH = Precision humbucker (Squier Contemporary Active P-Bass PH has a humbucker in bridge position)

PJ = Precision/Jazz bass (pickups)

PLYR = player

PLSTP = plus top

PM = Pro-Mod (Charvel)

PNML = paranormal (series)

PP = player plus

PPG = parchment pickguard

PPL = purple

PRL = pearl

PTR = pewter

PURP = purple

PWR = power

PWT = polar white / pearl white

QMT or QM = quilted maple top

RDWRN = road worn

REV or RVB = reverb

RI = reissue

RMN = roasted maple fingerboard

RND NCK = round neck

ROADHOUS = Roadhouse (Stratocaster)

RSGLD = rose gold

RVBL = Riviera blue (Gretsch)

RW or R/W = rosewood / Road Worn

S1SW = S-1 switch

SAT or STN = satin

SB = sunburst

SBL = sonic blue

SBM = sky burst metallic

SC = single cutaway

SD = San Dimas (Charvel)

SFG = surf green / satin surf green

SFM = sea foam green / sea foam green metallic

SFP = surf pearl / sea foam pearl

SHAW = Shawbucker

SHG = shoreline gold

SHP = shell pink

SHWCS = showcase

SIG or SGN = signature

SLS = slick silver (finish)

SLVBST = silverburst

SM = spalted maple

SNB = sonic blue

Snbrst = sunburst

SOT = sunset orange transparent

SPEC or SPCL or SPC = special

SPKL = sparkle

SQ = Squier

SRS = series

SRV = Stevie Ray Vaughan

SS = short scale

SSB = sienna sunburst

SSS = 3 single coil pickups

ST = string thru

STD = standard

STRAT = Stratocaster

STRM or STRML = Streamliner (Gretsch)

STRT = Stratocaster

SVB = silverburst

SVS = silver smoke

T.ARM = Tim Armstrong (Gretsch)

TELE = Telecaster

TEX TELE = Texas Tele (Hwy 1)

THLN = thinline

TINT = tinted neck

TOR or TRD = torino red

TPL = tidepool

TQS = tequila sunrise

TRADNL = traditional

TRANS or TR = transparent

TRD = torino red

TREM = tremolo

TRS = transparent / transparent red sunburst

TSPG = tortoise shell pickguard

TWD = tweed

UPGRD = upgraded (later Hwy 1s)

V = 5 string

VBL = vintage blonde

VG = Roland VG Stratocaster

VINT = vintage

VLT = violet

VM = vintage modified

VWT = vintage white

W/GIG or W/G = included deluxe gig bag

WBL = white blonde

WC = with case

WCP = white chrome pearl

WG = Wolfgang (EVH)

WHT = white

WINE = wine red

WLNT = walnut

WPG = white pickguard

WR = wide range

YLW = yellow


PS: Here are a few I've seen that I can't figure out. If you know what they mean, please put in comments below:



More info on the Fender Serial Number Lookup page

If your serial is in the database, it will tell you the date of manufacture, and it is especially helpful when you want to know the official name of the finish on your guitar (i.e., SOT = sunset transparent orange, SNB = sonic blue, etc.--there are so many!)

Note: if your serial number does not produce a result, it DOES NOT necessarily mean your guitar is not a real Fender. The database is by no means comprehensive. At that point, you should contact Fender support and ask them about your serial.

This post took hours to compile and will help you make sense of the many abbreviations Fender uses. For instance if you were to look up your guitar's serial number, it might give you the model name as, "FSR USA NITRO SAT STRAT MN HBST." 

In this case, FSR = Factory Special Run. SAT = satin. MN = maple neck. And HBST = honey burst.

Important hint: look at the model number on the page, often you can click on it, and it will take you to a full product sheet with all specs. But the site will not always provide this, and knowing the naming abbreviations can tell you a lot about your instrument. 

So anytime you are looking at a used Fender, take the time to look it up on their website. If you know an abbreviation I missed, by all means, let me know in the comments section below. Good luck!

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