Still Kickin Blog — acoustic guitar serial numbers

We Welcome Breedlove to the Serial Number Database!!

We Welcome Breedlove to the Serial Number Database!!

Today I added Breedlove guitars to our serial number database. That brings the total number of manufacturers covered to 40!!

Godin Serial Numbers--WOW!

Godin Serial Numbers--WOW!


I've just finished a complete update of the Godin serial number entry in the database--and it's made me wonder why I do this and how many brain cells I have left to burn...haha. Let's just say most of the info out there on Godin is conflicting and often wrong.

I did a deep dive looking at hundreds of used Godins and piecing together enough clues to present what I think is the absolute best by far rundown available on all the changes that company's serial numbers have gone through (and...

GUITAR SERIAL NUMBER DATABASE / Got Serials? We got answers!

GUITAR SERIAL NUMBER DATABASE / Got Serials? We got answers!

This is an extensive compilation of serial number information for several guitar and bass manufacturers, covering Fender, Gibson, Ibanez, Yamaha, Peavey, Epiphone, Hamer, Martin, Reverend, Schecter, Washburn, Jackson, Charvel, Godin, Steinberger, Paul Reed Smith, Dean, Yamaha, and more.